Monday, January 06, 2014

Quick initial thoughts on life without a day job.

The reality of having no day job has not started to sink in yet as my first weekday without employment was actually spent quite productively. I spent the morning in NUS certifying my transcripts and the afternoon helping my in-laws with an errand.

For the first time in years, I had decent sleep. My Fitbit registers about 5.5 hours of sleep on a normal weekday when I needed to go to work the next day, yesterday I had the luxury of having 7.5 hours of sleep and great rainy weather to complement my first full night of rest.

When I woke up I had grains and cereal for breakfast, something which I hated in the past because they took too long to chew and made me late for work. Now, even though I hate cereal, I had the whole morning to finish my breakfast so there's no excuse anymore. This meant more energy for the rest of the day, and no carbohydrate-induced coma after lunch.

Lunch was also different. In the past, I would choose any stall with a short queue and always came off thinking that food in Singapore tastes bad and is overpriced. Today. I went to a hawker centre and deliberate went for the food with the longest queue and had probably had one of the best Wanton Mee in Singapore for $3 ( It was at Clementi hawker centre ).

I also saved on coffee, as I no longer require a shot of caffeine to concentrate on my approval papers.

I think the insight I had for today is that a hidden side of Singapore exists once you escape the rat race :

So long as you are not competing for resources with the rest of the corporate world, transportation rides are leisurely, food and even movies can be cheap.  

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