Monday, June 23, 2014

Talk this week : Escape the Rat-race - Hacker's edition.

The Hacker and Painter's movement has expressed an interest in my approach towards attaining financial independence, as such, I will be giving a free talk at the following time and venue this coming Friday, 27th June 2014 :

Time : 12pm - 1pm.
Venue : Plugin@Blk71 - Blk 71, Ayer Rajah Crescent, #02-18, S(139951)

It will be a very simple 45-minute talk on attaining financial independence with some discussion on how I figured out a way to retire before age 40.

The IT guys might be in on a special treat as I will be showcasing some of the results of my dabbling into statistical programming.

For the rest, I should be giving out free copies of my third book Sowing the Seeds of Prosperity to the first three folks who ask great questions during the Q&A section.


  1. Wow! Way to go and enjoy the session.. Too bad I can't make it or else will sure to be there to support you!

    Looking forward your post-session blog post ;-)

  2. Any future free talk sessions on weekends or after office hours e.g. 7.30 pm?

  3. It depends largely on whether someone invites me to speak.

    I enjoy giving public talks, it's a great way to build up a personal brand.

  4. Somehow this reminds me of Arkad in the richest man of Babylon who found his way to financial freedom! ;)

  5. I'm nowhere close to Arkad.

    My Diablo III Crusader is looking for an Akkhan set.

  6. The set looks pretty awesome!
