Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Ground Zero - A new beginning...

It's been quite a while since my last article.

As of today, I resigned from my government job. My last day is 3rd January 2014.

For the first time in my life, I've resigned from my job without a solid plan on what I'm going to do next. It's a strangely liberating experience, and actually a little scary. I have never left a job without another one waiting for me. At the back of my head are lessons from Moshe Milevsky on the meaning of human capital - did I just write off millions of dollars of future income I would have earned had I kept my nose on the grind ?

Is this some time of mid-life crisis ?

In a sense, I've been hatching this plot for the past 15 years, trying to grow my annual investment income to that of the equivalent of a median household income in this country along with some spare change, about half of these investment flows get farmed back into the portfolio or the home mortgage, so I guess the mathematical part of the retirement equation has been solved.

What remains unresolved is the humanities component of my retirement plan. Too many books focus on the nuts and bolts of retirement. Some focus on hobbies, others on philanthropy.

But too few focus on living a meaningful life - how to extract the most of your time and how to engage your friends who may still be busy building up their families and wealth.

I have about 20 working days before lose my earned income for quite a while. Maybe this retirement will be short-lived,  maybe I'll sustain it until I die of old age. Right now I have exercised many options, applied to many institutions to pick up many skills to keep myself occupied so I don't go cold turkey in 2014. The plan is to have no plan, or perhaps, the plan is to have too many plans that arise out of spontaneity. I'm betting that a semblance of Order would arise out of Chaos.

But one things for sure...

For now, when people ask me what I am doing or what I intend to do next year, my answer is "I don't know."


  1. Hi Mr Ng

    In your view, what is the minimum amount of saving one should accumulate before resigning from full-time job?



  2. If you know how to invest it in REITS, business trusts, high-yielding equities, are single with no debt. $300,000 can be the ticket out of the rat race.
