Sunday, August 01, 2010

ipad is overrated?

Well I just got my iPad and am writing my blog using the device. While the device scores on ease of use and user friendliness, I am personally not sure if it's all that useful for Singaporean users. You can't really get kindle books with it unlike my google phone and iBooks will not sell you any books as well.

This just illuminates a point that we need to protect ourselves from marketing hype.

I'll look forward to an android tablet later this year. Hope that my investment returns will let me get one then.


  1. How will an Android tablet solve the content availability issue?
    Dissing Apple over hype and saying Android is better: isn't it another marketing hype?

  2. whoa you seriously need to re-evaluate that statement again.

    everything about it is so wrong.

    here is a post i written about the iOS on iPhone, but these apps should be available on the iPad

    Reading with Stanza and goodreader

  3. Chris, seems like you have offended the Apple religionists - the very reason why I hate Apple with a passion, just like how many people hated Christianity. :)

  4. There are objective reasons to say that an Android tablet will be way more practical than an iPad. For one thing, the google tablet will arrive later than the iPad so there will be plenty of time to address iPad's shortcomings.

    But I will only focus on Reading e-books because other tech pundits can do the job for me for aspects like flash and multitasking.

    Yes, Goodreader was the first app I downloaded when I got my Gizmo. I had to pay for it and then I could only transfer books via iTunes. My Android phone, acts just like a file storage when connected to my PC via USB.

    In the android world, you can download Adobe reader for free so nuff said. For epub books, I can use Aldiko which I cannot find on the iPad as well.

    Kindle for iPad is also closed to me. It does not pop up in the Apps screen. Maybe someone can show me how to get it installed without jailbreaking my device.

    Google reader on Safari also does not seem to be a good idea. I paid more money to get a dedicated Google reader on my iPad, then suddenly the thing started looking good again.

    I've used Kindle on my Nexus One for months and can even buy books from it.

    There are some pretty amazing apps for the iPad. The Flipboard is one such example. But so far all of Apple's focus is on style and everything is dressed up to look good.

    Looking good may please many people but I'll be spending a lot of time trying to think of ways to use my iPad to make me more productive at work and maybe even plan my investment strategies.

    It'll be six months until something like the Notion Ink's Adam arrive when I'll pass my iPad onto my wife.

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