Friday, February 03, 2012

Countdown to Valentine's day #1 - What to look out for.

Every Valentine's Day is the same on my Facebook. Some person decides to go all Emo-emo and start putting old Music Videos of Chinese songs from the 90s. Others start quoting song lyrics. Nothing changes after that. We can look forward to VD 2013 for more of the same.

As a married man and father of a girl, I want to do something different for VD.

Married people don't factor much into VD. All the struggles have already taken place. Now it's time to raise kids and worry about PSLE and getting the girl-girl into Raffles Girls School.

Singles should look at married people like the way CEOs look at management consultants. People who are not in the game but are happy to provide insight on what to do for the next playbook.

This year I want to write a few articles to countdown to VD for the readers.

Today I'm going to talk about what to look out for. Ask any single and he/she will have a wish-list on what to look out for in a significant other. As it turns out, studying Psychology can be useful and can yield a pretty simple answer. I think it's certainly possible to use this insight to filter out the problem people in your life the same way I screen my stocks for higher dividends.

So the next time, you are in some speed dating situation or get tested by other folks, you can claim to seek the following traits in a desired partner :

a) The person should be Conscientious.
b) The person should be Agreeable.
c) The person should be Emotionally Stable. ( Low in Neuroticism )

These three things to look out for are similar for men and for women.

As we get closer to VD, I will write about each trait.

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